Where Are We Going?

The amount of carbon that has been emitted globally by anthropogenic emissions and land clearing, from 1750 to 2011 is totaled at  555 ± 85 PgC (1 Pg is 1015 grams, or one billion metric tonnes), this rate of release of carbon is only seen at one other period in the geological past, the Palaeocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM). The PETM occured at ~56Ma, when it's postulated that massive methane hydrates were released from the sea, which then oxidised to CO2, stimulating a huge greenhouse effect, resulting in ~5oC global average increase in temperatures, persisting for ~100,000 years. 

The current concentration of CO2 in the atmopshere is 403.3 ± 0.1 ppm, and is increasing at 2.21ppm per year, continuing along this path without drastic changes in government policy as well changes to lifestyle choices, is going to lead to a world similar to that of the PETM. This experiment we're running with world climate is unacceptable from a global perspective, with the most vulnerable people often those who will feel the strongest effects.

You can calculate your carbon footprint and identify the most effective ways for you to reduce your input of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. My results are below.

Figure 1. Showing the authors' carbon footprint. For everyone on Earth to have a similar lifestyle as myself, we would need ~3 Earths worth of resources, obviously not a sustainable scenario. 


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